1273 N. Ogden Street, also addressed as 1275 Ogden, was constructed in 1901 (permit #1579, December 3, 1901), for owner Carrie Headquist. No builder or architect is listed on the permit. Headquist purchased this lot, along with several others on the same block, in 1900.
In 1907, Minerva E. Vincent purchased the home. Minerva, who went by Ella, was the wife of Rev. Bethuel T. Vincent, a pioneer in the Methodist church in Colorado and a founder, with his brother Bishop John H. Vincent, of the Chautauqua movement. Ella Vincent organized the first women’s foreign missionary society in Colorado. The couple had two sons, Henry Bethuel, and Leon. No record could be located showing the Vincent living at 1275 Ogden Street, suggesting that the house was an investment for them.