A building permit was pulled in 1891 for the construction of 1860 Race Street, a two-story brick building owned by H.W. McChesney. The structure cost $3,500, and no architect or builder were listed on the permit.
Denver city directories show Henry McChesney living at 1864 Race Street, a one-story brick dwelling just north of the subject property, as early as 1887. In early directories, McChesney is listed variously as a carpenter, teamster, and contractor. In 1892, after construction of 1860 Race, McChesney is listed as a driver for the N. A. McChesney Bakery, which is listed at 1860 Race. Nancy A. McChesney was Henry's wife. The McChesneys presumably ran a bakery out of the building, likely using the first floor for the bakery and the second floor as living quarters.