2015 York Street was built for Nis Andersen in 1913. The building permit lists Henry Harwood Hewitt as architect for the residence. Hewitt is best known for the design of the Clayton College for Boys, a former orphanage located at the intersection of Martin Luther King and Colorado Boulevard. Clayton College is a Denver landmark.
Nis Andersen was born in Denmark c.1858, and emigrated to the United States c.1883. Nis and his wife Christina, also from Denmark, met in Clinton, Iowa and were married there in 1895. Andersen was one of the founders of the Andersen & Winter Furniture Factory in Clinton. The couple, along with their daughter Bertha, had moved to Denver by 1913. In Denver, Andersen was active in the speculative real estate market, building and selling single family homes. Many of these homes were in the neighborhoods surrounding City Park. The Andersens lived at 2015 York Street until 1917, when they sold the property to Walton Graham. Graham was the research manager for the Great Western Sugar Company.