According to Denver assessor records, 2141 Franklin Street was built in 1900. As the home appears on the 1893 Sanborn Fire Insurance map and had residents listed in Denver city directories as early as 1891, it was likely constructed earlier. Although research did not reveal a building permit record for this house, the house immediately to the south, 2135 Franklin Street, is very similar, with identical architectural form and details except for a larger porch, and was constructed in 1891 by D. Carson Fleming of the Fleming Brothers, who were prolific homebuilders in Denver around the time this house was constructed.
The first owner of record for 2141 Franklin Street is Thomas F. Casey, who purchased the home in 1894. Casey was born in Chicago in 1847, and came to Denver in the early 1880s with his brothers. City directories show Casey worked for his brother at a furniture store. When he died in 1895, he left his wife Anna and five children. Tragically, Anna and all five children were killed just a year later in a torrential flood that killed twenty-eight people outside of Morrison.