Accord to Denver assessor records, 1335 Pearl Street was constructed in 1955. While no building permit could be located to confirm this date, the address first appears in Denver city directories in 1958. Currently known as the Cheesman Arms Apartments, the building was originally known as the Diana Apartments.
This parcel sat vacant for several decades before it was purchased in 1946 by Clifton V. Jones and Sam Sclavenitis. Little could be located on Jones, who appears in Denver city directories as working as a plumber. Directories list Sclavenitis as the owner of the Dover Hotel at 1744 Glenarm. In addition to owning the hotel, in the 1940s Sclavenitis also was a partner in the development of the Gateway Park and Sclavenitis subdivisions in Aurora. In 1955, Jones and Sclavenitis sold the property to B. D. Schramm. This is likely Bernhard D. Schramm, president of roofing contractors Bacon & Schramm. It is likely that it was under Schramm’s ownership that the Diana Apartments were constructed.